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Introductions to Christianity
Would you like to know more about the Christian faith? If so we regularly offer introductory sessions, including the popular Alpha and Christianity Explored courses. Please contact us if you'd like to know more about them.
What God has done for us
We rejoice in God's love for us and all his creation. We see this in his great gifts to us:
- His Son, Jesus, who died in our place on the Cross to save us from our rebellion against God, enabling us to be adopted as His sons and daughters
- His Bible, revealing to us who He is and what he wants for all people
- His Holy Spirit, helping us to live with and for God in our everyday lives
- access to Him through prayer, wherever we are, and whatever our state.
It is this message of the love of God which motivates us as a community of faith to be outward looking and to build bridges into our wider community which will enable others to come to faith. We seek to work out this God given mission in the power of the Holy Spirit and in partnership with other Christians in Basingstoke and beyond.
See our "Statement of Faith" for more details.